Jewish Religious History, History of Education and Science, Contemporary History and Contemporary Studies

The BMBF- project “Religiously Coded Constructions of Difference – Jewish Perspectives”  (2021-2024) is part of the collaborative effort entitled “Antisemitismus in pädagogischen Kontexten – religiös codierte Differenzkonstruktionen in der frühen und mittleren Kindheit” (RelcoDiff) (“Anti-Semitism in Pedagogical Contexts – Religiously Coded Constructions of Difference in Early and Middle Childhood”) is  funded for three years as part of the   research program “Current Dynamics and Challenges of Anti-Semitism” (


In the interdisciplinary collaborative project together with the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main and the Academy of World Religions at the University of Hamburg, the religious constructions of difference in pre-school and elementary school children in three different pedagogical contexts (from the perspective of the children, their parents, as well as the pedagogues and teachers involved) are to be investigated in order to record and understand anti-Semitic attitudes in their development and to counteract them at an early stage.

The subproject at the IGdJ applies a change of perspective by focusing on the perceptions of those affected and asking Jewish parents and their children about their expectations and experiences with Jewish schools. Against the backdrop of Jewish migrations to Germany since the 1990s, the project is thus linked to historically oriented research on the return and reestablishment of Jewish schools, focusing on the teaching of Judaism under the conditions of a German immigration society.

Dr. Karen Körber
Phone: +49 (0)40 42838-2935
E-mail: Karen.Koerber[at]

Susanna Kunze M.A.
Phone: +49 (0)40 42838-8045
E-mail: Susanna.Kunze[at]

#antisemitismresearch #jewisheducation #religiousdifference #qualitativesocialresearch