Graduate librarian
+49 (0)40 42838-2336
Susanne Küther heads the library of the IGdJ. After receiving her diploma in academic librarianship from the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, she studied art history, classical archaeology and Christian archaeology, as well as Byzantine art history at the University of Marburg. She participated in excavation campaigns in Philippi and Patara, undertaken in cooperation with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Akdeniz University of Antalya. She supported the regional exhibition entitled “Hesse and Thuringia” and served as a lecturer. Susanne Küther was active in the following libraries: Marburg University Library, Marburg Prehistory Seminar, Städel Museum Frankfurt/Main, Museumslandschaft Hessen in Kassel, and Central Institute for Art History in Munich.
Activity profile
The management of the institute’s library includes analysis of the book and antiquarian market, selection of literature, expansion of the special library’s holdings, the administration of the library budget, the coordination of cataloging, subject indexing, and the systematic listing, conservation, and awarding of restoration contracts, mass deacidification and digitalization, professional consulting, as well as public relations and the organization of events. Susanne Küther conceived and realized various cataloguing projects and acquired third-party funding for their implementation.
Current projects
Pilotprojekt zur originalsprachigen Anreicherung von hebräischen Katalogeinträgen
(Pilot Project for Original Language Enhancement of Hebrew Catalog Entries)
Digitalisierung ausgewählter Werke und Präsentation in HaKiN
(Digitalization of Selected Works and Presentation in HaKiN)
Entsäuerung des Bestandes der Erscheinungsjahre 1840–1990 in Kooperation mit der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
(Deacidification of the Holdings from the Publication Years 1840–1990 in Cooperation with the Hamburg State and University Library)
NS-Raubgutforschung und Restitutionen
(Nazi Looted Assets Research and Restitutions)
Completed projects
NS-Raubgut in der Bibliothek des IGdJ
(Nazi Looted Assets in the Library of the IGdJ)
Solomon Birnbaum Library
- Hamburger Leselust. Der Lesekreis des Instituts für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, in: AKMB-News 21 (2015), Nr. 2, S. 40–43. DOI:
- (mit Jörn Kreuzer), „NS-Raubgut aus zweiter Hand“ – Provenienzrecherchen in der Bibliothek des IGdJ, in: Klaus Rainer Brintzinger u. a. (Hrsg.), Bibliotheken: Wir öffnen Welten. 103. Deutscher Bibliothekartag, Bremen 2014, Münster 2015, S. 238–248.
- (mit Jörn Kreuzer/Miriam Rürup), Jüdische Geschichte Kompakt –Bücher als Raubgut (Podcast), veröffentlicht am 6.8.2021.